Tuesday 2 October 2012

How to File an Auto Insurance Claim

Expert Author Raphael Locsin 
Filing an insurance claim following an accident is not the most complicated procedure that ever was, but it is not as simple as saying "I have been in an accident. Take care of this for me, would you?" There are steps you must take to successfully file your claim and you will find them listed below. This is basic information and may vary depending on the state where the accident occurred.
Step 1:
While you are still at the accident scene, call 911. This will alert law enforcement that there has been an accident, and you need them to be there even if it was a minor event. In order to file a claim for an accident, there must first be a police report filed.
Step 2:
Get the other parties information. You want to have their name, contact information and auto insurance information. This will help make your claim filing go smoother.
Step 3:
If there were witnesses to the accident, get their information as well. When filing an auto insurance claim, you want all the information you can get. This makes the process easier.
Step 4:
Contact your insurance company right away. Having your insurance card with you is always a good idea for just such an occasion. The person you speak to will help you with the claim filing process. Even if you are not the one who caused the accident, you want to take this step. It is always recommended that you file a claim with your own insurance company since each company is out to protect the best interests of their own clients. Just because you are filing a claim when you are not at fault does not mean you are in any way accepting responsibility. You are simply covering all the necessary bases.
Step 5:
If the other party is indeed at fault, contact their auto insurance company as well. You should inform them that you have filed a claim through your own company and they will be seeking reimbursement since you are not at fault. Let them know that your company will also be seeking damages for all the things that they will not be paying for you. This includes all expenses that you are not covered for under you own policy.
Step 6:
You will likely get a call very soon after the accident from the responsible party's insurance company. Speak with your carrier to find out what you should or should not say to them. Also, if there is issue with personal injury, you should speak with your attorney before you talk to the other insurance company in order to best protect your interests. If you choose to speak with them, write down or record the conversation as they will be doing the same.
Step 7:
An adjuster will be coming to look at the damage done to your car. They will estimate what it is worth and either repair it or declare it a total loss. The insurance company will give you a check for the vehicle itself or for the estimated repairs. You do not have to agree with the adjuster's estimation or price offer. If you are unsure of how to proceed, speak with your insurance company or attorney.
Your claim has now been filed and it is up to you, the carriers and maybe an attorney how to carry on from here.
Find out how you can save by requesting a quote for cheap car insurance in California or visit the author's website at http://www.shiftins.com. You can always call (562)714-9424 to speak with an agent instantly.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Raphael_Locsin

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7167871

Monday 1 October 2012

SEO Information

Internet and Businesses Online: SEO Article Category
Gone are those days when one could obtain high rankings by getting a ton of low quality backlinks pointing back to their website! In case you are familiar with the term SEO (Search Engine Optimization), you may be aware of the fact that it is getting harder to achieve high search engine rankings due to cut throat competition and recent updates by search engines like Google (Panda and Penguin Updates). The world of SEO has become more complex as search engines are looking into a number of factors such as link diversity, repeat visits by customers etc. before rewarding a website with a high rank. Therefore, it is obvious that more and more internet marketers are not hesitating to receive training from SEO courses of renowned internet marketing experts.
SEO Courses: Important Information
How Does Back Linking Work?
There is a lot of confusion around how back linking works. Here is an explanation of some of the different types of links there are and how they all pull together to move your key phrases and their associated pages up through the search engine rankings.
Search Engine Optimization - A Tool To Succeed On The Web
In this era of recession, one of the most popular strategies adopted to be in touch with customers is Search Engine Optimization. It is the best way to advertise a product or service. In fact, internet marketing gets a boost with the use of SEO techniques.
Internet Marketing, A Boost For Search Engine Optimization
Since the inception of eCommerce, different marketing techniques are used to make the product or service popular and reachable. These techniques are often grouped under internet marketing. Internet marketing has become an everyday cup of tea for entities which believe in online presence.
How Not to Do SEO in the Age of Penguins and Pandas
Tips to avoid your website being penalised for ignoring Google's Penguin and Panda updates. Find out how not to do SEO in this day and age.
Getting Found by Google - The Legit Way
Webmasters who seek to improve their Google ranking for keywords through dubious methods such as link farms, auto-generated content, keyword stuffing, cloaking, doorway pages etc. do others and themselves a disservice. Firstly, they undermine Google's efforts to deliver quality search results. Secondly, their gains are quickly lost as search engines become more adept at circumventing these ploys. Marketers, who are in the business for the long haul, wisely ignore these methods, preferring the sanctioned methods which when used consistently will produce results that last.
Online Marketing SEO: Using The Singular And Plural Form Of Your Keyword Phrase In The Webpage Title
There are several ways to approach using the singular form versus the plural form of your keyword phrase in your webpage title that the search engines see. Understanding the reasoning behind each of these theories will enable you to decide which approach is best for your situation and increase your knowledge of on page SEO for your online marketing strategies.


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